Registration on Shared Waste Solutions Platform
Who can register?

The Shared Waste Solutions platform aims to awaken society and the business community to opportunities for waste recovery and disposal of by-products, while at the same time serving as a means of diffusing solutions and technologies that, due to lack of disclosure, do not economic sustainability. In this sense, any institution that supports the objectives of the platform or wishes to use the resources available to it can be registered.

Only institutional registrations will be accepted on the Shared Waste Solutions platform, and an institution should check if it is already registered ( http: // www. sws.uc.pt/index.php/en/parceiros ) before requesting a new registration. In the case of large institutions, which comprise several departments or working groups, it may be requested to register by the various departments, associating the name of the institution with the name of the department.

What data is requested in the registry?

In the register, only general institutional data are requested, such as: name of the institution or working group, description of its activity, type of institution, geo-referencing, web address and contacts. Some contact details will also be requested from the person responsible for the registration, such as: name, e-mail, telephone.

How to register?

An institution can register on the Platform by submitting a registration form from the "NEW REGISTRATION" menu available in the expandable section "ENTER" that is in the top bar of the main page. Once submitted the registration form and after validation by the administrators of the Platform, the registered institution becomes part of the Shared Waste Solutions collaboration network and is included in its list of partners ( http://www.sws.uc.pt/index.php/en/parceiros ).

A partner of the Shared Waste Solutions collaboration network can submit submissions directly to the Platform using different forms for this purpose: waste card, solution (product / technology) card, research profile, case study, news and event. All contributions will be subject to validation by Platform administrators.

O registo tem custos?

Registration on the Shared Waste Solutions platform is free, just as the tools to add content to the platform can be used for free.

Content submission on Shared Waste Solutions Platform
Who can ubmite content on the platform?

Only registered entities can submit content for publication on the platform.

What content can be submited on the platform?

Registered entities may submit content for publication on the platform on waste, solutions, research profiles, case studies, news or events.

How can you submit content on the platform?

An institution may submit contributions, after authentication in the Platform, using different specific forms: waste sheets, product sheets / technology, research profiles, case studies, news and events. Any submission is subsequently approved by the Platform administrators.

What data is requested on a waste sheet?

In a waste form the following data are requested: waste designation, EWL code, sector of origin, type of waste, estimated quantity, illustrative image, characteristics of the waste (optional), current situation in terms of waste destination (optional), identification of valuation opportunities (optional) and results of eventual valuation studies (optional).

What data is requested on a solution (product / technology) sheet?

The following data are required in a solution sheet: solution designation, type of product / technology, application sector, supplier, recovered waste (s), illustrative image, residue origin (optional), technical data of the product / technology (optional), commercial conditions (optional) and reference applications (optional).

What data is requested in a research profile?

In a research profile the following data are requested: intervention sector, completed and ongoing projects (optional), physical and human resources available (optional), productivity and results indicators (optional), geo-referencing and illustrative image (optional).

What data is requested on a case study form?

In a case study the following data are requested: designation, entities involved (optional), recovered residue, sector of application, descriptive memory and illustrative image.

What data is requested on a news form?

In a news article are requested the following data: title of the news, date of the news, description and illustrative image.

What data is requested on an event form?

In an event the following data are requested: event title, category, start and end date, description, place of event and illustrative image.